From Away

Downeast Maine is a fascinating place. Notable for its rugged beauty, its harsh North Atlantic winters, its undecipherable accents, and its apparent obsession with the giant sea bugs more commonly known as lobsters, those born in this part of the world are forever Mainers, while the rest of us are simply “from away” – that’s Maine code for “not from around here.”

Nonetheless, the people tend to be rather welcoming and at least outwardly tolerant of tourists, though I suspect that tolerance goes down as the summer wears on and the mobs become larger and more unrelenting, before they recede like the tide as winter approaches, leaving Maine to the Mainers once again. When visiting, getting in before the hordes is key, and thus Your Humble Filmosaur has just returned, safely escaping just before the madness sets in.

There are, of course, photos. I’m still working on the film, and will be for a while yet, but I had my Fuji X-E1 along for a digital alternative – I figured I have the thing, I might as well learn how to use it effectively. So, here’s a little something from the Fuji to start things off. I’ll post some other photos from the trip at irregular intervals as time allows.

Fuji X-E1, Voigtländer Snapshot Skopar 25/4
Fuji X-E1, Voigtländer Snapshot Skopar 25/4

4 thoughts on “From Away

    1. Thanks. The scene looked peaceful, but the rainstorm that immediately preceded it (and tried to soak me in the process) most certainly was not. Glad you liked it.

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