
Yeah, I know, it’s been pretty quiet around here lately. Thankfully, it’s for a good reason: it’s been unseasonably warm, which means I’ve been taking every opportunity to get out and take photos before winter sets in and I have to start allotting several hours a day for curling up in the fetal position, rocking gently back and forth, and establishing a first-name-basis relationship with the new crop of operators at the suicide hotline (I’m exaggerating, of course – I’m not really flexible enough to curl into the fetal position any more).

Anyway, following on the blockbuster success of my recent series ‘Fading’, I’ve got another set of photos on a similar theme. This time around our subject is a grand old mansion, built in the early 20th Century, which along with the extensive associated grounds was given over to the state on the death of its owners. The state turned the grounds into a park, and some well-meaning but enthusiastic and perhaps slightly intoxicated visitors burned the house to the ground decades ago. All that’s left are the foundation and the stone walls of the first floor, which are now overgrown and showing their age, moreso with every winter.

So, a few weeks ago, with the fall foliage near its peak color, I headed out with a couple of cameras and appropriately-sized yellow filters. The latter inclusion was particularly fortuitous, as most of the trees around the old house were maples that had turned a rather vibrant shade of yellow, meaning that the filters lightened the foliage a lot, creating quite a nice effect, I think. I had along my new Super Ikonta C and my Certo Super Dollina II, a finicky camera on its best days, but with an excellent lens. Both were loaded with Ilford FP4+, which ended up being a bit slow with the low autumn light combined with the added filter factor. Still, I was pretty happy with the results, and I was able to put together a small but cohesive set of presentation-worthy photos. Enjoy.

Click any photo to start a full-size slideshow.


Transitions, Part 4

There are lots of trees around Filmosaur HQ, and while there was a lot of snow over the season, it wasn’t enough to bury the trees completely. So here are a few of the more interesting photos of them from this past winter.

Voigtländer Vito, Kodak Gold 200
Voigtländer Vito, Kodak Gold 200
Fuji X-E1, Voigtländer Color Skopar 21/4
Fuji X-E1, Voigtländer Color Skopar 21/4
Voigtländer Vito, Kodak Tri-X in Caffenol C-H(RS)
Voigtländer Vito, Kodak Tri-X in Caffenol C-H(RS)
Certo Super Dollina II, Fuji Superia 200 (redscaled)
Certo Super Dollina II, Fuji Superia 200 (redscaled)

Semi-Random Photo for 25 July 2014

Yes, I know, it’s been a slow couple of weeks around here. Summer means more time away from the magic interweb box and out actually doing Real Life Things. This has included a considerable amount of photography, so there should be ample fodder for future postings when the weather turns cold and angry. In the meantime, please enjoy this single sample from one of my more recent photographic outings.

Certo Super Sport Dolly, Fomapan 200 in Caffenol-C-H (RS)
Certo Super Sport Dolly, Fomapan 200 in Caffenol-C-H (RS)