Details: Voigtländer Vito

Following the study of my Kodak Retina I, I decided to focus on my Voigtländer Vito for the next installment of my “Details” series. They are, as noted previously, quite similar cameras, but with a few design differences that give them each a distinct character in use. I thought it might be interesting to offer the two back-to-back for those who might wish to compare them more closely.

Voigtländer Vito
Voigtländer Vito
Voigtländer Vito
Voigtländer Vito
Voigtländer Vito
Voigtländer Vito
Voigtländer Vito
Voigtländer Vito
Voigtländer Vito
Voigtländer Vito
Voigtländer Vito
Voigtländer Vito

Prelude to Film, Vacation Edition

For the last several weeks, Your Humble Filmosaur has been roaming about a select portion of the European continent and its immediately adjacent seas, successfully avoiding virtually every possible hint of exertion. In my many spare moments, there was plenty of time for photography; between my Canon P rangefinder kit (with Jupiter-12 35, Jupiter-8 50, and Leitz Elmar 90) and my Canon G12 digital, something over 1,000 shots were taken.

Canon G12
Canon G12

The film is currently being processed, after which it will have to be scanned, then the images must be reviewed, dust removed and the photos tweaked to compensate for scanning. A laborious process to say the least (good thing I’m well-rested from having been on vacation for two weeks). In the interim, you will have to content yourselves with a small sampling of the digital shots.

Canon G12
Canon G12

Unapologetically, they’re mostly landscapes and other sorts of touristy shots. I did do a little street photography as well, but it was mostly on film, so that will have to wait.

Canon G12
Canon G12

The G12 acquitted itself pretty well as a digital companion to the primary film kit. It’s small enough to carry far more easily than a DSLR, but reasonably capable. A larger sensor would be nice, but the easily-accessible manual controls, and the ability to shoot in RAW and to easily mount filters (using the Canon factory adapter) take it well above the standard point-and-shoot. Most of the daylight shots were taken with a circular polarizer.

Canon G12
Canon G12

I have plenty more, but even digital requires some tweaking, so it will be a little while before I post more. And if the film comes back that will take priority, so you’ll just have to wait.