Why does this post get so many hits?

As part of the process of reacquainting myself with this whole…thing, I’ve been looking at old posts and statistics to remind myself of what goes on around here. Amongst the things I haven’t quite wrapped my head around is the fact that one innocuous little post from five years ago seems to consistently draw more views than anything else on the site: my brief review of the Yashica J-Mini.

No, I can’t explain it either.

It’s not as if there’s some incredible insight contained therein. It’s just a short, almost perfunctory review of a camera I’ve used very little – by my count I’ve shot six rolls with since I got, the last in 2016. It’s not, at least from what I’ve been able to determine, a particularly common camera. Why are people looking at this post over and over again?

I’m genuinely curious. If you’ve gotten here by whatever means specifically to read that post – and I have to imagine that’s the case for a considerable portion of its views – please tell me why and how you did so.

Transitions Complete

Well, almost anyway. Most of the overt evidence of winter has faded in the past few weeks, and while there’s still a little snow here and there, the lakes are partially frozen, and the mornings are quite cold, the days are notably longer, the birds have started their spring songs, and the first signs of buds are appearing on the trees. So it’s time to wrap up this little series and move along, but I saved one last photo that seems quite an appropriate way to finish up this look back at the cold, dark winter.

Yashica J-Mini, Ilford HP5+ in Caffenol C-H(RS)
Yashica J-Mini, Ilford HP5+ in Caffenol C-H(RS)

Transitions, Part 3

Our theme for today is reflections. Featuring water in a liquid state as they do, these photos were either taken at the beginning of the winter, before I knew the full extent of just how unpleasant it would be, or near the end, when there seemed the faintest glimmer of hope that one day the world would not be trapped beneath a permanent layer of ice and snow.

FED-2, Jupiter-12 35/2.8, Kodak Tri-X in Caffenol C-H(RS)
FED-2, Jupiter-12 35/2.8, Kodak Tri-X in Caffenol C-H(RS)
Yashica J-Mini, Ilford HP5+ in Caffenol C-H(RS)
Yashica J-Mini, Ilford HP5+ in Caffenol C-H(RS)
Rollei 35, Kodak Tri-X in Caffenol C-H(RS)
Rollei 35, Kodak Tri-X in Caffenol C-H(RS)
Fuji X-E1, Voigtländer Color Skopar 21/4
Fuji X-E1, Voigtländer Color Skopar 21/4