Archives: France, Part One

Because I am old, I have had time to accumulate a lot of stuff. Among the various collections (this is a very polite way of describing things, and I’ll thank you not to question it), there is a fair quantity of film. Through the wonders of modern technology, and a tendency toward Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder, I’ve been able to scan much of it. Most of it, it turns out, is completely unremarkable and often blurry. Occasionally, and largely by accident I assure you, a decent shot occurred; give enough monkeys cameras and eventually one will produce something that could be mistaken for Ansel Adams or Henri-Cartier Bresson (though I’m not really sure that monkeys would do particularly well with large-format landscape photography, especially the smaller, more hyperactive ones, but that’s for another time). Thus I present to you the Filmosaur Archives, in no particular order, for your viewing pleasure.

The first series are from France circa 1999. All were shot with my trusty Pentax SFX, mostly on Kodak Gold 200.

We begin in Lyon.

To be honest, I didn’t have many pictures from Lyon. I was only there for a day or two before heading north, and I was jetlagged. My recollection was of a hot and hazy city with very few people in it. But I felt like I needed to represent it, as it was the starting point on this particular trip.

Moving on, we drove north to Bayeux, in Normandy. The drive was long but pleasant, at least as pleasant as eight hours in a French minivan can be. The view along the way was worth shooting.

The Filmosaur Archives will return with photos from Normandy in the next installment.

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